History of our parteners: Nestle and Pepsico


The company’s history began in 1898 in New Bern, North Carolina. Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist, developed a recipe for the drink, a syrup with vanilla, cola nuts, sugar, and diluted with carbonated water. The product was meant as a digestive and mood-enhancer. The composition of pepsin and cola nuts in the drink determined its name – Pepsi-Cola. The trademark was registered in 1903. Seven years later Pepsi was sold in 24 states of the United States. Success was replaced by failure when the sugar market collapsed in 1921 and prices for the essential ingredient were too high. In 1931 the company was bought by the Loft Candy Co. The new president of the company, Charles Guth, managed to take Pepsi to the next level. In the 1940s, Pepsi-Cola surpassed such competitors and became the second most popular soda in the country. That position is still held today. PepsiCo currently owns a huge number of brands. It produces sodas, juices, fermented dairy products and baby food.


In 1867, the German-Swiss pharmacist Henri Nestlé created a product that reduced the high mortality rate among infants who could not be breastfed. The Nestlé trademark in the form of a nest with birds became recognizable. In the early 1900s Nestlé had factories in the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Spain. In 1907 the company began full-scale production in Australia. In the early 1900s Nestlé had factories in the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Spain. In 1907 the company began full-scale production in Australia. The First World War, which began in 1914, was a serious test for the company. The great demand for dairy products and government orders for dairy products made it possible to almost double production during this difficult period. By the end of the war the company owned 40 factories. In 1921 the economic crisis forced Nestlé to expand its traditional range of products. Chocolate production became the company’s second most important line of business. Today Nestlé produces a wide range of food products. The main brands are KitKat, Maggi, Nescafe, Nesquik, Nestea.

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